We believe that all patients receiving services from We Care Medical Supply and Equipment should be informed of their rights.

Therefore, you are entitled to:

  • Be fully informed in advance about care/service to be provided and any limitations to those services.

  • Be informed, in advance of service, of their financial responsibility.

  • Participate in the development and periodic revision of the plan of care/service.

  • Refuse care or treatment.

  • Formulate an Advanced Directive, if applicable and the provision of information concerning Advance Directives; if required by law, rule, or regulation.

  • Be treated with respect, consideration, dignity, and individuality and receive appropriate care without discrimination.

  • Identify visiting personnel.

  • Receive care/service that is free from mistreatment, neglect, or verbal, mental, sexual, and physical abuse, and misappropriation of patient property.

  • Voice grievances/complaints without fear of reprisal and have them properly investigated.

  • Confidentiality and privacy of all patient information.

  • Choose a provider, if applicable.

  • Be informed of their responsibilities.

Patient Responsibilities:

  • Patient submits forms that are necessary to receive services.

  • Patient provides accurate medical and contact information and any changes.

  • Patient notifies the treating provider of participation in the services provided by the company.

  • Patient notifies the company of any concerns about the care or services provided.

  • Patient maintains all equipment provided.


When the patient is unable to make medical or other decisions, the family should be consulted for direction.


All employees will understand and be able to discuss the Patient Bill of Rights and Responsibilities with the patient and caregiver(s). Each staff member will receive training during orientation and attend an annual education class on the Patient Bill of Rights and Responsibilities.